Category Archives: Asylum

Refugee Caselaw Site – Asylum Law – University of Michigan Law School

Refugee Law – Asylum Law – University of Michigan Law School The Refugee Caselaw Site, directed by Prof. James C. Hathaway, is the world’s only collection of carefully selected leading cases which interpret and apply the UN’s refugee definition, used … Continue reading

Posted in Asylum, political corruption, Refugee | Leave a comment

BIA Holds that Changed Circumstances Do Not Result in Automatic One-Year Extension of Time for Filing for Asylum

The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA or Board), in Matter of T-M-H– and S-W-C-, 25 I. & N. Dec. 193 (B.I.A. Jan. 29, 2010), held that an alien does not receive an automatic one-year extension in which to file an … Continue reading

Posted in Asylum, Chicago Immigration Court | Leave a comment

English Asylum Tribunal Approves Asylum for Afghan Who Converted to Christianity in England

English Asylum Tribunal Approves Asylum for Afghan Who Converted to Christianity in England The case is NM v. Secretary (Nov. 13); an excerpt (paragraph break added): “We do not think this is an issue as to whether or not an … Continue reading

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Haxhiu v. Mukasey, Asylum applicant anticorruption activities a form of political speech, whistleblower must expose corruption publicly 519 F.3d 685

Haxhiu v. Mukasey (7th Cir. 2008)(Flaum) Oral Argument | Full Text Whether asylum applicant’s anticorruption activities constituted an expression of a political opinion? To receive asylum protection on account of a political opinion, a whistleblower must have sought a political … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Asylum, whistleblower | Leave a comment

7th Circuit, Aliens, Immigration case law updates, Asylum

Figueras v. Holder, No. 08-3367 (7/27/09) Adjustment of status, motion for continuance Figueras v. Holder (Sykes) Oral Argument | Full Text Petition for Review, Order of Bd. of Immigration Appeals, Petition granted. Bd. erred in finding that alien was ineligible … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Aliens, Asylum, Chicago Immigration Court, Deportation, Immigration law, Removal, Removal hearing | Leave a comment