Author Archives: Mike Baker

Illinois IDs and driver’s licenses will still be accepted at airports until Jan. 22, 2018

Illinois IDs will still be accepted at airports. Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White sent out a press release today noting that Illinois drivers licenses and state ID cards will remain acceptable forms of identification. The release noted, “The Department … Continue reading

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CA7 finds BIA improperly used de novo standard instead of clear error standard in deferral of removal

In removal proceeding in which alien (native of Honduras) argued that he was entitled to withholding of removal and CAT relief based on claim that he experienced police torture in Honduras in 1994, Ct. of Appeals lacked jurisdiction to review … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, clear error standard, Convention Against Torture, de novo standard, withholding of removal | Leave a comment

CA7 remands Mexican deferral of removal under CAT

Ct. of Appeals remanded case back of Bd. of Immigration Appeals upon govt.’s motion for said remand for purpose of allowing Bd. to reconsider its denial of alien’s eligibility for deferral of removal under CAT, where alien alleged that removal … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Convention Against Torture, deferral of removal, La Linea drug cartel | Leave a comment

DHS and DOJ Issue Guidance for Employers Conducting Internal Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 Audits

Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices Guidance for Employers Conducting Internal Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 Audits (PDF) The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS’) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) Civil … Continue reading

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CA7 and CAT relief for Mexican national “deadbeat and informer,” tortured at behest of Zetas cartel

In Rodriguez-Molinero v. Lynch, 2015 WL 9239398 (7th Cir. 2015), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit granted a petition for review in favor of a citizen of Mexico who was denied protection under the Convention Against Torture … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Convention Against Torture | Leave a comment