Author Archives: Mike Baker

CA7 upholds BIA denial of untimely Motion to Reopen based on ineffective counsel

YUSEV v. Sessions, Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit 2017 Bd. did not err in denying alien’s motion to reopen their applications for asylum and withholding of removal based on claim that their counsel was ineffective. Said motion was untimely, since … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Board of Immigration Appeals, ineffective assistance of counsel, Motions to Reopen | Leave a comment

USCIS Policy Manual Volume 7 – Adjustment of Status

Eligibility Requirements – Chapter 2, Part B, Volume 7 | Policy Manual | USCIS USCIS Policy Manual Current as of January 05, 2017 Volume 7 – Adjustment of Status Part B – 245(a) Adjustment Chapter 2 – Eligibility Requirements ​ … Continue reading

Posted in Adjustment of Status, USCIS Policy Manual | Leave a comment

CA7 upholds IJ’s denial of asylum and withholding of removal relief for 58‐year‐old citizen of El Salvador

Record contained sufficient evidence to support IJ’s denial of alien’s applications for asylum and withholding of removal relief, even though alien claimed that he had fear of future persecution if forced to return to El Salvador because certain gangs would … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Asylum, BIA, El Salvador, withholding of removal | Leave a comment

CA7 affirms IJ removal order for voting twice in federal election in violation of federal law

IJ did not err in entering removal order for alien (native of Peru) who violated 8 USC section 1227(a)(6) by voting in federal election in violation of federal law. Fact that alien had otherwise unblemished record in U.S., was married … Continue reading

Posted in 18 U.S.C. 611; 8 U.S.C. 1227(a)(6), 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Removal of aliens who vote in violation, voting in federal election in violation | Leave a comment