Author Archives: Mike Baker

U.S Citizenship for Children: Birth, Acquisition, Derivation

Children can be or become citizens through their parents. Children can automatically become United States citizens, even if they were born outside of the United States. In addition, a United States citizen parent can apply for the naturalization of his … Continue reading

Posted in Acquisition Of Citizenship, Certificate of Citizenship, Child Citizenship Act, Child Citizenship Act of 2000, Child is born in the United States or its territories, Citizenship for Children, Derivation Of Citizenship, Naturalization of Children, Naturalization Procedures for Children | Leave a comment

Automatic Acquisition of Citizenship after Birth (INA 320)

Automatic Acquisition of Citizenship after Birth (INA 320) See INA 320. See Nationality Chart 3 INA: ACT 320 – Children born outside the United States and residing permanently in the United States; conditions under which citizenship automatically acquired 1/ Sec. … Continue reading

Posted in Automatic Acquisition of Citizenship after Birth (INA 320), Certificate of Citizenship, Citizenship and Naturalization policies and procedures, Citizenship for Children, United States Citizens at Birth | Leave a comment

General Provisions for Acquisition of Citizenship for Children Born Abroad

United States laws allow for children to acquire U.S. citizenship other than through birth in the United States.[1] See INA 301, INA 320, and INA 322. Persons who were born outside of the United States to a U.S. citizen parent … Continue reading

Posted in Acquisition and Derivation, General Provisions for Acquisition of Citizenship for Children Born Abroad | Leave a comment

Nationals and Citizens of The United States At Birth

INA: ACT 301 – NATIONALS AND CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES AT BIRTH Sec. 301. [8 U.S.C. 1401] The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (a) a person born in the United States, and … Continue reading

Posted in INA 301 and 309, Nationals and CIitizens of The United States At Birth, United States Citizens at Birth | Leave a comment

CA7 denies petition as Motion to Reopen was properly denied since evidence of future persecution could have been presented at original hearing-Salim v. Holder

Salim v. Holder, No. 12-3858 (August 28, 2013) Petition for Review, Order of Bd. of Immigration Appeals Petition denied Bd. did not err in denying alien’s motion to reopen asylum and withholding of removal proceedings, even though alien submitted new … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Motions to Reopen, past persecution, “new evidence” for purposes of an MTR | Leave a comment