BIA reasserts the circumstance-specific inquiry on the phrase “a single offense involving possession for one’s own use of thirty grams or less of marijuana”

Matter of Jonet DOMINGUEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Respondent
26 I&N Dec. 408 (BIA 2014) Interim Decision #3814
Decided September 18, 2014
U.S. Department of Justice
Executive Office for Immigration Review Board of Immigration Appeal

For purposes of section 237(a)(2)(B)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(2)(B)(i) (2012), the phrase “a single offense involving possession for one’s own use of thirty grams or less of marijuana” calls for a circumstance-specific inquiry into the character of the alien’s unlawful conduct on a single occasion, not a categorical inquiry into the elements of a single statutory crime. Moncrieffe v. Holder, 133 S. Ct. 1678 (2013), distinguished. Matter of Davey, 26 I&N Dec. 37 (BIA 2012), reaffirmed.

In a decision issued September 18, 2014, the Board of Immigration Appeals, has rolled back some of the gains from the SCOTUS decision in Moncrieffe. Matter of Dominguez-Rodriguez (26 I&N Dec. 408 (BIA 2014) concerns a noncitizen convicted of possession of more than one ounce (28.5g) of marijuana. The Immigration Judge concluded that the respondent is not removable based on his determination that the minimum conduct punishable under the statute in question involved possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana for personal use. DHS appealed.

The respondent is a native and citizen of Cuba and a lawful permanent resident of the United States. On July 2, 2013, he was convicted of possessing more than 1 ounce of marijuana in violation of section 453.336 of the Nevada Revised Statutes, which is a “category E felony.” He was sentenced to an indeterminate term of imprisonment of between 19 and 48 months, which was suspended, and he was placed on probation. Based on that conviction, the DHS filed a notice to appear in Immigration Court charging the respondent with deportability under section 237(a)(2)(B)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(2)(B)(i) (2012), which provides in pertinent part that “[a]ny alien who at any time after admission has been convicted of a violation of . . . any law or regulation of a State . . . relating to a controlled substance . . . , other than a single offense involving possession for one’s own use of thirty grams or less of marijuana, is deportable.”

Relying on Moncrieffe v. Holder, 133 S. Ct. 1678 (2013), the Immigration Judge concluded that the respondent is not removable based on his determination that the minimum conduct punishable under section 453.336 of the Nevada Revised Statutes involved possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana for personal use.4 Further, although the DHS sought to submit evidence to prove that the conduct underlying the respondent’s conviction actually involved possession of more than 30 grams of marijuana, the Immigration Judge concluded that Moncrieffe forbade such a “circumstance-specific” inquiry and required termination of the proceedings unless the DHS could establish that the respondent was convicted of possessing more than 30 grams of marijuana by reference to documents included in the “record of conviction” under the “modified categorical approach,” such as the judgment, charging document, or plea agreement. See Shepard v. United States, 544 U.S. 13, 26 (2005).

The Moncrieffe Court held that possession with intent to distribute marijuana under Georgia law was not an aggravated felony because the “minimum conduct” covered by the pertinent Georgia statute involved distribution of a “small amount” of marijuana for “no remuneration,” conduct that is punishable as a Federal misdemeanor under 21 U.S.C. § 841(b)(4) (2012). See Moncrieffe v. Holder, 133 S. Ct. at 1685–86, 1693−94. In arriving at that conclusion, the Court observed that “[t]he aggravated felony at issue here, ‘illicit trafficking in a controlled substance,’ is a ‘generic crim[e].’ So the categorical approach applies.” Id. at 1685 (second alteration in original) (citation omitted).

As the Immigration Judge correctly observed, 1 ounce is equivalent to approximately 28.5 grams, and thus it is theoretically possible for an individual to be convicted of violating section 453.336 of the Nevada Revised Statutes by possessing “thirty grams or less” of marijuana.

The DHS argues that the Immigration Judge’s decision is contrary to Matter of Davey, 26 I&N Dec. 37 (BIA 2012), where we interpreted section 237(a)(2)(B)(i) of the Act and held that the statutory phrase “a single offense involving possession for one’s own use of thirty grams or less of marijuana” calls for a circumstance-specific inquiry into the character of the alien’s unlawful conduct on a single occasion, not a categorical inquiry into the elements of a single statutory crime. Id. at 39−41 (citing Nijhawan v. Holder, 557 U.S. 29, 34 (2009)).

Although the DHS’s position finds explicit support in Matter of Davey, which the Immigration Judge did not discuss in his decision, the Immigration Judge concluded that his contrary position was mandated by Moncrieffe, which would supersede contrary Board precedent. Given the respondent’s pro se status and the complexity of the important legal issue at stake, we solicited amicus curiae briefing in which the Board asked amici for their views as to what impact, if any, Moncrieffe has on the continuing validity of Matter of Davey.

The BIA held that for purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act,, the phrase “a single offense involving possession for one’s own use of thirty grams or less of marijuana” calls for a circumstance-specific inquiry into the character of the alien’s unlawful conduct on a single occasion, not a categorical inquiry into the elements of a single statutory crime. In doing so, the BIA distinguished Moncrieffe v. Holder, 133 S. Ct. 1678 (2013), and reaffirmed Matter of Davey, 26 I&N Dec. 37 (BIA 2012).

In Matter of Davey, the Board concluded that an Immigration Judge’s inquiry regarding the applicability of the exception in section 237(a)(2)(B)(i) for “possession for personal use” was not subject to the evidentiary constraints of the categorical and modified categorical approaches. As the BIA explained:

The language of the section 237(a)(2)(B)(i) exception is exceedingly narrow and fact-specific. It refers not to a common generic crime but rather to a specific type of conduct (possession for one’s own use) committed on a specific number of occasions (a “single” offense) and involving a specific quantity (30 grams or less) of a specific substance (marijuana). Read in its most natural sense, this narrow language calls for what the Supreme Court has referred to as a “circumstance-specific” inquiry, that is, an inquiry into the nature of the alien’s conduct. Nijhawan v. Holder, 557 U.S. at 34. It does not suggest a focus on the formal elements of generic offenses.

Id. at 39; see also Matter of Martinez Espinoza, 25 I&N Dec. 118, 124 (BIA 2009) (holding that section 212(h) of the Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1182(h) (2012), which contains language similar to the “possession for personal use” exception in section 237(a)(2)(B)(i), invites a circumstance-specific inquiry, rather than a categorical one); accord Popescu-Mateffy v. Holder, 678 F.3d 612, 615−17 (8th Cir. 2012) (extending deference to Martinez Espinoza under Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984)). It concluded that Moncrieffe does not cast doubt on the validity of this holding.

The Supreme Court and the lower Federal courts have recognized that the categorical approach is inapplicable in removal proceedings when the immigration provision under review “call[s] for a ‘circumstance-specific approach’ that allows for an examination, in immigration court, of the ‘particular circumstances in which an offender committed the crime on a particular occasion.’” Moncrieffe v. Holder, 133 S. Ct. at 1691 (citation omitted); see also Nijhawan v. Holder, 557 U.S. at 38−40 (holding that the categorical approach does not apply to the determination whether a fraud offense caused a loss to victims of more than $10,000, which is required to support an aggravated felony charge under section 101(a)(43)(M)(i) of the Act); Rojas v. Att’y Gen. of U.S., 728 F.3d 203, 215−16 (3d Cir. 2013) (en banc) (holding that the categorical approach does not apply to the determination whether an offense is one “relating to a controlled substance” under section 237(a)(2)(B)(i) of the Act); Mellouli v. Holder, 719 F.3d 995, 1001 (8th Cir. 2013) (distinguishing Moncrieffe and agreeing with Matter of Davey that the “possession for personal use” exception in section 237(a)(2)(B)(i) contemplates a circumstance-specific inquiry), cert. granted on other grounds, 134 S. Ct. 2873 (2014); Varughese v. Holder, 629 F.3d 272, 274−75 (2d Cir. 2010) (per curiam) (holding that the categorical approach does not apply to the determination whether the “amount of the funds” involved in a money-laundering offense exceeded $10,000, so as to support an aggravated felony charge under section 101(a)(43)(D) of the Act), cert. denied, 132 S. Ct. 496 (2011); Bianco v. Holder, 624 F.3d 265, 270−73 (5th Cir. 2010) (holding that the categorical approach does not apply to the determination whether the victim of a crime of violence had a qualifying “domestic” relationship to the offender, so as to support a “crime of domestic violence” removal charge under section 237(a)(2)(E)(i) of the Act). For the reasons articulated in Matter of Davey, we remain convinced that the language of the “possession for personal use” exception most naturally invites a circumstance-specific inquiry, not a categorical one.

Many states have statutes relating to marijuana possession with graduated punishments based on the amount of marijuana possessed. Illinois uses grams. What about the middle ground? Under Moncrieffe, the minimum conduct punishable in this category is 14.5g or so, clearly within the exemption. This was the good news for noncitizens with minor pot convictions until this decision.

The BIA has reasserted the circumstance-specific inquiry, which permits an Immigration Judge to look beyond the statute and beyond the record of conviction, and inquire into the specific conduct of that particular defendant.


Drug Laws




or misdemeanor)

Under Student Aid Laws:
Cannot obtain any Government Student Aid, Loans, or Grants for 1 Year
after 1st Conviction for Possession; for 2 Years after 2ND
Conviction and for an indefinite amount of time after 3RD

or misdemeanor)

Under Student Aid Laws:
Cannot obtain any Government Student Aid, Loans, or Grants for 2 Years
after 1ST Conviction and indefinite amount of time after 2ND


2.5 grams)
720 ILCS

Up to $1500 Fine &/or Up to
30 Days in Jail

grams to 10 grams)
720 ILCS

Up to $1500 Fine &/or Up to
6 Months in Jail

grams to 30 grams)
720 ILCS

Up to $2500 Fine &/or Up to 1 Year in Jail

Felony Up to $25,000 Fine &/or 1 to 3 Years Pen.

grams to 500 grams)
720 ILCS

1ST Offense
Felony Up to $25,000 Fine
&/or 1 to 3 Years
in Pen.

Felony Up to $25,000 Fine &/or 2 to 5 Years in Pen.

grams to 2000 grams)
720 ILCS

Felony Up to $25,000 Fine
&/or 2 to 5 Years in Pen.

grams to 5000 grams)
720 ILCS

Felony Up to $25,000 Fine
&/or 3 to 7 Years in Pen.

5000 grams)
720 ILCS

Felony Up to $25,000 Fine
&/or 4 to 15 Years Pen.

720 ILCS

Offense Felony
Up to $100,000 Fine &/or 1 to 3 Years in Pen.

2ND Offense
Up to $200,000 Fine
2 to 5 Years
in Pen.

720 ILCS

$750 to $2500 Fine &/or Up
to 1 Year in Jail

720 ILCS


Felony Up to $200,000 Fine
&/or 4 to 15 Years in Pen.

100 GRAMS to 400 GRAMS

Felony Up to $200,000 Fine or
Street Value &/or 6 to 30 Years Pen.


Felony Up to $200,000 Fine or
Street Value &/or 8 to 40 Years Pen.

900 + GRAMS

Felony Up to $200,000 Fine or
Street Value &/or 10 to 50 Years Pen.

than 200 grams)
720 ILCS

Felony Up to $200,000 Fine
&/or 4 to 15 Years in Pen.

than 30 grams)
720 ILCS

Felony Up to $200,000 Fine
&/or 4 to 15 Years in Pen.

720 ILCS

1ST Offense
Up to $1500 Fine
30 Days in

2ND Offense
UP to $1500 Fine
6 Months in

720 ILCS

Up to $2500 Fine &/or Up to 1 Year in Jail

Felony Up to $25,000 Fine &/or 1 to 3 Years in Pen.


than 2.5 grams)
720 ILCS

Up to $1500 Fine &/or 6
Months in Jail

grams to 10 grams)
720 ILCS

Up to $2500 Fine &/or 1 Year
in Jail

grams to 30 grams)
720 550/5 

Felony Up to $25,000 Fine
&/or 1 to 3 Years in Pen.

grams to 500 grams)
720 550/5 

Felony Up to $55,000 Fine
&/or 2 to 5 Years in Pen.

grams to 2000 grams)
720 550/5 

Felony Up to $100,000 Fine
&/or 3 to 7 Years in Pen.

grams to 5000 grams)
720 550/5 

Felony Up to $150,000 Fine
&/or 4 to 15 Years in Pen.

than 5000 grams)
720 550/5 

Felony Up to $200,000 Fine
&/or 6 to 30 Years in Pen.

(1 to 15 grams)
720 ILCS

(10 to
15 grams)
(10 to 15 grams)
(5 to 15 grams)

Felony Up to $250,000 &/or 4
to 15 Years in Pen.

720 ILCS


Felony Up to $500,000 Fine
&/or 6 to 30 Years in Pen.


Felony Up to $500,000 or Street
Value &/or 9 to 40 Years in Pen.


Felony Up to $500,000 Fine or
Street Value &/or 12 to 50 Years Pen.


Felony Up to $500,000 Fine or
Street Value &/or 15 to 60 Years Pen.

720 ILCS

Felony Up to $25,000 Fine
&/or 2 to 5 Years in Pen.


Increased Penalties for use of Firearm During
Commission of Offense:

  1. Use of firearm during commission
    of offense: 15 years added to sentence imposed
  2. Discharge of firearm during
    commission of offense: 20 years added to sentence imposed
  3. Discharge of firearm causing
    death or injury: 25 years or up to natural life added to sentence


730 ILCS
5/5-9-1 & 5/5-8-3

Up to $2500 Fine &/or Up to 1 Year in Jail.
Class B:
Up to $1500 Fine &/or Up to 6 Months in Jail.
Class C:
Up to $1500 Fine &/or Up to 30 Days in Jail.


730 ILCS
5/5-8-1 & 5/5-9-1


X Felony
Up to $25,000 Fine &/or 6 to 30 Years in Pen.
Class 1 Felony
Up to $25,000 Fine &/or 4 to 15 Years in Pen.
Class 2 Felony
Up to $25,000 Fine &/or 3 to 7 Years in Pen.
Class 3 Felony
Up to $25,000 Fine &/or 2 to 5 Years in Pen.
Class 4 Felony
Up to $25,000 Fine &/or 1 to 3 Years in Pen.




Posted in "possession for personal use”, a single offense involving possession for one’s own use of thirty grams or less of marijuana, BIA, BIA Precedent Decisions Volume 25, Board of Immigration Appeals, categorical approach, Deportation for Drug Crimes, Modified categorical approach, single offense | Leave a comment

Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses in Illinois: Speeding, driving 26-34 miles per hour or more, 35 miles per hour or more

Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses in Illinois can be punishable by a fine, a jail sentence or both. Persons charged with such offenses should consult an attorney immediately.

The most commonly prosecuted misdemeanor traffic offenses include the following:

  • driving under the influence (DUI)
  • driving on a suspended or revoked license
  • speeding 35 mph or more in excess of the limit
  • speeding 26 mph or more in excess of the limit
  • drag racing
  • reckless driving
  • leaving the scene of a property damage accident
  • fleeing or attempting to elude the police
  • driving a commercial vehicle while license is suspended, revoked, or driver has been placed out of service

The initial court date for a traffic violation classified as misdemeanor is an arraignment date. This is not a trial date. Persons charged with a misdemeanor should appear in court with an attorney.

Every person receiving a traffic ticket is entitled to receive a copy of the charge in writing.

The ticket must contain the following information:

  • name of the accused;
  • nature of the charge;
  • statute or ordinance alleged to be violated; and
  • date, time and location of the alleged violation.

Other information on the ticket is statistical in nature and not required to properly charge a violation. When there is a defect in a ticket, in most instances any objection to this defect must be made before a trial occurs.

§ 625 ILCS 5/11-601.5. Driving 26 miles per hour or more in excess of applicable limit.

Sec. 11-601.5. Driving 26 miles per hour or more in excess of applicable limit. (a) A person who drives a vehicle upon any highway of this State at a speed that is 26 miles per hour or more but less than 35 miles per hour in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit established under this Chapter or a local ordinance commits a Class B misdemeanor.

(b) A person who drives a vehicle upon any highway of this State at a speed that is 35 miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit established under this Chapter or a local ordinance commits a Class A misdemeanor.


  • The 2010 amendment by P.A. 96-1002, effective January 1, 2011, substituted “30 miles” for “40 miles” in the section heading; added (a); and added the (b) designation.
  • The 2011 amendment by P.A. 96-1507, effective January 27, 2011, in the section heading and in (a), substituted “31 miles” for “30 miles”.
  • The 2013 amendment by P.A. 98-511, effective January 1, 2014, substituted “26 miles” for “31 miles” in the section heading and in (a); and substituted “35 miles” for “40 miles” in (a) and (b).

The maximum penalty for a Class A misdemeanor is up to one year incarceration as well as a fine of $2500.

(730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-55)
Sec. 5-4.5-55. CLASS A MISDEMEANORS; SENTENCE. For a Class A misdemeanor:
(a) TERM. The sentence of imprisonment shall be a determinate sentence of less than one year.
(b) PERIODIC IMPRISONMENT. A sentence of periodic imprisonment shall be for a definite term of less than one year, except as otherwise provided in Section 5-5-3 or 5-7-1 (730 ILCS 5/5-5-3 or 5/5-7-1).
(c) IMPACT INCARCERATION. See Section 5-8-1.2 (730 ILCS 5/5-8-1.2) concerning eligibility for the county impact incarceration program.
(d) PROBATION; CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE. Except as provided in Section 5-5-3 or 5-6-2 (730 ILCS 5/5-5-3 or 5/5-6-2), the period of probation or conditional discharge shall not exceed 2 years. The court shall specify the conditions of probation or conditional discharge as set forth in Section 5-6-3 (730 ILCS 5/5-6-3).
(e) FINE. A fine not to exceed $2,500 for each offense or the amount specified in the offense, whichever is greater, may be imposed. A fine may be imposed in addition to a sentence of conditional discharge, probation, periodic imprisonment, or imprisonment. See Article 9 of Chapter V (730 ILCS 5/Ch. V, Art. 9) for imposition of additional amounts and determination of amounts and payment.
(f) RESTITUTION. See Section 5-5-6 (730 ILCS 5/5-5-6) concerning restitution.
(g) CONCURRENT OR CONSECUTIVE SENTENCE. The sentence shall be concurrent or consecutive as provided in Section 5-8-4 (730 ILCS 5/5-8-4).
(h) DRUG COURT. See Section 20 of the Drug Court Treatment Act (730 ILCS 166/20) concerning eligibility for a drug court program.
(i) CREDIT FOR HOME DETENTION. See Section 5-4.5-100 (730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-100) concerning credit for time spent in home detention prior to judgment.
(j) GOOD BEHAVIOR ALLOWANCE. See the County Jail Good Behavior Allowance Act (730 ILCS 130/) for rules and regulations for good behavior allowance.
(k) ELECTRONIC HOME DETENTION. See Section 5-8A-3 (730 ILCS 5/5-8A-3) concerning eligibility for electronic home detention.
(Source: P.A. 97-697, eff. 6-22-12.)

A Class B misdemeanor by comparison, basically has a punishment with half the severity of a Class A misdemeanor. This type of offense has a maximum penalty of 180 days incarceration in the county jail, with a maximum fine of $1500. (730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-60)

(730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-60)
Sec. 5-4.5-60. CLASS B MISDEMEANORS; SENTENCE. For a Class B misdemeanor:
(a) TERM. The sentence of imprisonment shall be a determinate sentence of not more than 6 months.
(b) PERIODIC IMPRISONMENT. A sentence of periodic imprisonment shall be for a definite term of up to 6 months or as otherwise provided in Section 5-7-1 (730 ILCS 5/5-7-1).
(c) IMPACT INCARCERATION. See Section 5-8-1.2 (730 ILCS 5/5-8-1.2) concerning eligibility for the county impact incarceration program.
(d) PROBATION; CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE. Except as provided in Section 5-6-2 (730 ILCS 5/5-6-2), the period of probation or conditional discharge shall not exceed 2 years. The court shall specify the conditions of probation or conditional discharge as set forth in Section 5-6-3 (730 ILCS 5/5-6-3).
(e) FINE. A fine not to exceed $1,500 for each offense or the amount specified in the offense, whichever is greater, may be imposed. A fine may be imposed in addition to a sentence of conditional discharge, probation, periodic imprisonment, or imprisonment. See Article 9 of Chapter V (730 ILCS 5/Ch. V, Art. 9) for imposition of additional amounts and determination of amounts and payment.
(f) RESTITUTION. See Section 5-5-6 (730 ILCS 5/5-5-6) concerning restitution.
(g) CONCURRENT OR CONSECUTIVE SENTENCE. The sentence shall be concurrent or consecutive as provided in Section 5-8-4 (730 ILCS 5/5-8-4).
(h) DRUG COURT. See Section 20 of the Drug Court Treatment Act (730 ILCS 166/20) concerning eligibility for a drug court program.
(i) CREDIT FOR HOME DETENTION. See Section 5-4.5-100 (730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-100) concerning credit for time spent in home detention prior to judgment.
(j) GOOD BEHAVIOR ALLOWANCE. See the County Jail Good Behavior Allowance Act (730 ILCS 130/) for rules and regulations for good behavior allowance.
(k) ELECTRONIC HOME DETENTION. See Section 5-8A-3 (730 ILCS 5/5-8A-3) concerning eligibility for electronic home detention.
(Source: P.A. 97-697, eff. 6-22-12.)


Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:

Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing Sections 1-187.001, 11-601, 11-601.5, 11-602, and 11-603 as follows:

(625 ILCS 5/1-187.001)

Sec. 1-187.001. Serious traffic violation.

(a) A conviction when operating a motor vehicle for:

(1) a violation of subsection (a) of Section 11-402, relating to a motor vehicle accident involving damage to a vehicle;

(2) a violation of Section 11-403, relating to failure to stop and exchange information after a motor vehicle collision, property damage only;

(3) a violation of subsection (a) of Section 11-502, relating to illegal transportation, possession, or carrying of alcoholic liquor within the passenger area of any vehicle;

(4) a violation of Section 6-101 relating to operating a motor vehicle without a valid license or permit;

(5) a violation of Section 11-403, relating to failure to stop and exchange information or give aid after a motor vehicle collision involving personal injury or death;

(6) a violation relating to excessive speeding, involving a single speeding charge of [A> 26 30 , unless some other speed limit is designated, (d-1) Unless some other speed restriction is established under this Chapter, the maximum speed limit outside an urban district for any vehicle is (1) 70 miles per hour on any interstate highway as defined by Section 1-133.1 of this Code; (2) 65 miles per hour for all or part of highways that are designated by the Department, have at least 4 lanes of traffic, and have a separation between the roadways moving in opposite directions; and (3) 55 miles per hour for all other highways, roads, and streets. The counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, Madison, McHenry, St. Clair, and Will may adopt ordinances setting a maximum speed limit on highways, roads, and streets that is lower than the limits established by this Section. and 1.5. 70 miles per hour upon any interstate highway as defined by Section 1-133.1 of this Code outside the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will; and 26 31 26 31 35 40 35 40 conform with the maximum speed limit restrictions provided for in Section 11-601 of this Code not exceed 65 miles per hour on a highway or street which is especially designed for through traffic and to, from, or over which owners of or persons having an interest in abutting property or other persons have no right or easement, or only a limited right or easement, of access, crossing, light, air, or view, and shall not exceed 55 miles per hour on any other highway and the speed limit shall conform with the maximum speed limit restrictions provided for in Section 11-601 of this Code not exceeding 65 miles per hour

Posted in driving 26 miles per hour or more, driving 26-34 miles per hour or more, Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses in Illinois, speeding 35 miles per hour or more | Leave a comment

CA7 Holds ‘Stop-Time Rule’ May Not Be Applied Retroactively to reach offenses that were committed before the rule’s effective date on April 1, 1997

Jeudy has been a lawful permanent resident since 1989, and he reached seven years of continuous residence in 1996. The BIA, however, applied the “stop-time rule” of § 1229b(d)(1), which took effect in 1997 as part of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. The new stop-time rule was applied to cut off Jeudy’s period of continuous presence as of the time of his 1995 drug offense. Jeudy’s petition for review challenges only this application of the stop-time rule to deny his eligibility to request cancellation of removal.

CA7 found that the stop-time rule of INA §240A(d)(1) would have an impermissible retroactive effect if it were applied to petitioner’s 1995 drug offense, and that he was eligible for cancellation since he accumulated the seven years of continuous residence. Jeudy’s drug offense and conviction did not disqualify him from discretionary relief when they occurred, and Jeudy was actually eligible for discretionary relief before IIRIRA took effect. As a result, applying the stop-time rule would attach a new and serious consequence to Jeudy’s criminal conduct that was completed before IIRIRA took effect. The Supreme Court in Vartelas, made clear that the presumption against retroactivity is supported by Congress’s expectations, not the subjective expectations of the petitioner. 132 S. Ct. at 1491 (“The operative presumption, after all, is that Congress intends its laws to govern prospectively only.”). Jeudy’s 1995 drug conviction did not “stop time” for his continuous residence in the United States. His period of continuous residence for purposes of discretionary relief began with his admission as a lawful permanent resident in 1989, and he accrued the required seven years in 1996, before IIRIRA’s stop-time rule took effect. He is eligible to request cancellation of removal under § 1229b(a).

Download Case


JEAN JOSEPH ODYL JEUDY, Petitioner, v. ERIC H. HOLDER, JR., Attorney General of the United States, Respondent.

No. 13-3174


May 21, 2014, Argued September 15, 2014, Decided

PRIOR HISTORY: On Petition for Review of a Final Order of the Board of Immigration Appeals. No. A026-740-736.

JUDGES: Before BAUER, ROVNER, and HAMILTON, Circuit Judges.



Hamilton, Circuit Judge. Jean Jeudy petitions for review of an order of removal issued by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). The BIA found that Jeudy was removable based on a 1995 drug offense and a 2000 voting offense. It also determined that he had not accrued the seven years of continuous residence in the United States required for a person in Jeudy’s situation to request discretionary cancellation of removal under 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(a).1 Jeudy has been a lawful permanent resident since 1989, and he reached seven years of continuous residence in 1996. The BIA, however, applied the “stop-time rule” of § 1229b(d)(1), which took effect in 1997 as part of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. The new stop-time rule was applied to cut off Jeudy’s period of continuous presence as of the time of his 1995 drug offense. Jeudy’s petition for review challenges only this application of the stop-time rule to deny his eligibility to request cancellation of removal.


1 Where possible, we cite the United States Code rather than the corresponding section of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The BIA has determined that the stop-time rule applies retroactively to reach offenses that were committed before the rule’s effective date. See In re Robles-Urrea, 24 I. & N. Dec. 22, 27 (BIA 2006); In re Perez, 22 I. & N. Dec. 689, 692-93 (BIA 1999) (en banc). Jeudy counters that (a) the stop-time rule cannot be applied retroactively because Congress did not provide any clear statement of intent to that effect, as required by Landgraf v. USI Film Products, 511 U.S. 244 (1994), and INS v. St. Cyr, 533 U.S. 289 (2001), and (b) applying the rule here would have an impermissible retroactive effect. This issue, which our court has not yet addressed, has divided our colleagues in other circuits. See, e.g., Sinotes-Cruz v. Gonzales, 468 F.3d 1190, 1200-01 (9th Cir. 2006) (stop-time rule for offenses may not be applied retroactively); Peralta v. Gonzales, 441 F.3d 23, 29-31 (1st Cir. 2006) (opposing view).

We grant Jeudy’s petition. The statutory stop-time rule does not convey a clear intent on the part of Congress to govern retroactively, and the stop-time rule would have an impermissible retroactive effect if it were applied to Jeudy’s 1995 drug offense to render him ineligible for discretionary relief after he had already accumulated the seven years of continuous residence needed to be eligible.

I. Factual and Procedural Background

The relevant facts are not disputed. Because this case requires us to decide whether a particular provision of a federal statute applies retroactively, we weave in relevant legal developments.

A. Petitioner’s Offense and Changing Federal Immigration Law

Petitioner Jean Jeudy immigrated to the United States from Haiti in 1980. He initially entered without inspection, but his status was adjusted to lawful permanent resident on November 24, 1989. Twenty years later, in 2009, the government issued to Jeudy a notice to appear charging him as removable based on three offenses. Only one conviction is relevant to the issue here.

On April 7, 1995, Jeudy pled guilty to attempted possession of crack cocaine. Under then-applicable law, this controlled-substance offense rendered Jeudy deportable. See 8 U.S.C. § 1251(a)(2)(B)(i) (1994) (repealed 1996). But an alien found to be deportable at that time could be eligible to request discretionary relief from the Attorney General to remain in the United States. Among other requirements, an alien had to accrue a certain period of continuous presence or residence in the United States. While Jeudy’s 1995 drug conviction rendered him deportable, he continued to accrue time toward a period of continuous residence. Thus, on November 24, 1996, he reached the seven years required to make him eligible to request discretionary waiver of inadmissibility if the government initiated deportation proceedings. See 8 U.S.C. § 1182(c) (1994).2


2 The cited version of § 1182(c) was repealed in 1996, but with only prospective effect. See St. Cyr, 533 U.S. 289.

In 1996, Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, known to the cognoscenti as IIRIRA, a complex statute that changed immigration law in many ways. The new law took effect, with some transitional exceptions, on April 1, 1997, several months after Jeudy became eligible for discretionary relief. The new law added a significant new limit on discretionary relief from removal: the “stop-time rule.” Although a lawful permanent resident still needs seven years of continuous residence or presence to request discretionary relief under IIRIRA, the stop-time rule cuts off the accrual of time toward those years of continuous residence if and when a lawful permanent resident is served with a notice to appear or commits certain offenses. See 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(d)(1).

Jeudy concedes he was immediately removable under IIRIRA based on the 1995 drug conviction. See 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(2)(B)(i). But Jeudy—who has been in the United States since 1980, has no family in Haiti, and has three children who are American citizens—wants to request discretionary cancellation of removal under § 1229b(a). The issue in this case is whether the stop-time rule applies retroactively to cut off Jeudy’s continuous residence as of the date of the drug conviction.3


3 To be precise, the stop-time rule operates based on the date the offense is committed. The date of a resulting conviction (or even the existence of a conviction) does not matter. See 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(d)(1); Baraket v. Holder, 632 F.3d 56, 59 (2d Cir. 2011). The record here does not indicate when Jeudy committed his drug offense, though, so we refer instead to the date of conviction. Whether Jeudy actually committed his offense in 1994 or 1995 would not change the result. The critical facts are that the offense occurred (1) after Jeudy became a lawful permanent resident, (2) before he accrued seven years of continuous residence, and (3) before IIRIRA took effect.

B. The Administrative Proceedings

At the removal hearing, the immigration judge found that Jeudy’s drug conviction rendered him removable. The judge also found that the stop-time rule applied retroactively to the drug conviction to cut off Jeudy’s period of continuous residence in 1995, before he reached the seven years needed to request cancellation of removal. Jeudy appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals, which affirmed the immigration judge’s decision in all respects. Jeudy then filed a petition for review with this court. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1252.

II. Retroactivity of the Stop-Time Rule

Jeudy wants to seek discretionary cancellation of removal. The eligibility requirements for that relief for permanent residents are codified as follows:

The Attorney General may cancel removal in the case of an alien who is inadmissible or deportable from the United States if the alien—

(1) has been an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence for not less than 5 years,

(2) has resided in the United States continuously for 7 years after having been admitted in any status, and

(3) has not been convicted of any aggravated felony.

8 U.S.C. § 1229b(a). Jeudy had been lawfully admitted for more than five years and has never been convicted of an aggravated felony, so only the second requirement—seven years of continuous residence is at issue.

By November 1996, before IIRIRA took effect, Jeudy had resided continuously in the United States for more than seven years after becoming a lawful permanent resident. The BIA found, however, that Jeudy had not accumulated seven years of continuous residence because of IIRIRA’s 1997 addition of the statutory stop-time rule, codified as follows:

For purposes of this section, any period of continuous residence or continuous physical presence in the United States shall be deemed to end (A) except in the case of [a battered spouse or child], when the alien is served a notice to appear under section 1229(a) of this title, or (B) when the alien has committed an offense referred to in section 1182(a)(2) of this title that renders the alien inadmissible … or removable … .
8 U.S.C. § 1229b(d)(1) (effective April 1, 1997). Jeudy’s period of continuous residence began with his admission as a lawful permanent resident in 1989. But Jeudy’s drug offense rendered him inadmissible under § 1182(a)(2) and thus would count as an “offense” if the stop-time rule reached offenses committed before IIRIRA took effect. The decisive issue is one of statutory interpretation: whether the stop-time rule applies retroactively to attach this new consequence to pre-IIRIRA offenses.

“[T]he ‘principle that the legal effect of conduct should ordinarily be assessed under the law that existed when the conduct took place has timeless and universal appeal.'” Landgraf v. USI Film Products, 511 U.S. 244, 265 (1994), quoting Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. v. Bonjorno, 494 U.S. 827, 855 (1990) (Scalia, J., concurring). A law operates retroactively when it “attaches new legal consequences to events completed before its enactment.” Id. at 270. Because retroactive application inherently raises issues of fairness, courts have long applied a presumption against statutory retroactivity, reserving for Congress the “fundamental policy judgments concerning the proper temporal reach of statutes.” Id. at 270-73. The statutory language must convey a clear intent to authorize retroactivity, assuring the courts that “Congress itself has affirmatively considered the potential unfairness of retroactive application and determined that it is an acceptable price to pay for the countervailing benefits.” Id. at 272-73; see also INS v. St. Cyr, 533 U.S. 289, 318 (2001) (IIRIRA’s repeal of the waiver of inadmissibility lacked the requisite “unmistakable clarity” to authorize retroactive application of change in law based on alien’s criminal history).

Despite this strong presumption against retroactive application of statutes, the BIA has applied the stop-time rule to offenses committed before IIRIRA took effect without finding an impermissible retroactive effect. See In re Robles-Urrea, 24 I. & N. Dec. 22, 27 (BIA 2006); In re Perez, 22 I. & N. Dec. 689, 692-93 (BIA 1999) (en banc). As a general rule, of course, the BIA’s precedential interpretations of the Immigration and Nationality Act are subject to Chevron deference, meaning that where the statute is ambiguous, courts will defer to the responsible agency’s interpretation. See Chevron, USA, Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984); INS v. Aguirre-Aguirre, 526 U.S. 415, 424 (1999); Velásquez-García v. Holder, No. 13-2610, 2014 WL 3611591, at *3, F.3d (7th Cir. July 23, 2014). There are exceptions to the Chevron rule, however, “for the simple reason that some questions of law do not depend on agency expertise for their resolution.” Zivkovic v. Holder, 724 F.3d 894, 897 (7th Cir. 2013).

As the Supreme Court explained in St. Cyr, this case falls into such an exception: “Because a statute that is ambiguous with respect to retroactive application is construed under our precedent to be unambiguously prospective, there is, for Chevron purposes, no ambiguity in such a statute for an agency to resolve.” 533 U.S. at 320 n.45, citing Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 264; accord, Zivkovic, 724 F.3d at 900 (“whether and to what extent certain amendments to the immigration laws apply retroactively” is a question of law “that this court must review de novo, without the use of Chevron deference”); Martinez v. INS, 523 F.3d 365, 372 (2d Cir. 2008) (same). In the immigration context, moreover, “the [*10] reluctance to impose rules retroactively is ‘buttressed by the longstanding principle of construing any lingering ambiguities in deportation statutes in favor of the alien.'” Velásquez-García, 2014 WL 3611591, quoting St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 320 (citation and some internal quotation marks omitted).

The retroactivity inquiry from Landgraf is often described as having two steps: first, whether Congress expressed clear intent for retroactive application, and then whether the statute would have an impermissible retroactive effect in the given case. See, e.g., Martinez, 523 F.3d at 370. “In other words, silence or ambiguity in the statutory text and history requires the court to move on to step two, not to declare a victory for the opponent of retroactivity.” Id. at 372, citing St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 320. We proceed in that order.

A. Step One Under Landgraf

Step one asks whether there is a clear statement from Congress that it intended for the stop-time rule to apply retroactively. Under the rule, time stops accruing upon issuance of a notice to appear or commission of certain criminal offenses. See 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(d)(1). As the government notes, the text of the stop-time rule does not include any temporal language. Because the text of § 1229b(d)(1) lacks this language, the government must look elsewhere for a clear statement of congressional intent to rebut the presumption against retroactivity.

One possible source is the definition of “offense” in § 1182(a)(2)(A)(i):

Except as provided in clause (ii), any alien convicted of, or who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of—

(I) a crime involving moral turpitude (other than a purely political offense) or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime, or

(II) a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 802 of Title 21),

is inadmissible.

If this definition is applied retroactively, Jeudy’s 1995 drug conviction is clearly an “offense.” But like the stop-time rule itself, the definition of an offense contains no temporal language that could rebut the presumption against retroactivity.

In fact, another closely-related definition—of “aggravated felony”—enacted in the same section of IIRIRA as the stop-time rule shows a clear indication of retroactive application. An alien may be rendered ineligible for cancellation of removal by conviction of any ggravated felony. 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(a)(3). The IIRIRA definition for aggravated felony states: “Notwithstanding any other provision of law (including any effective date), the term applies regardless of whether the conviction was entered before, on, or after September 30, 1996.” Id. § 1101(a)(43). We have applied this language to hold that an aggravated felony committed before IIRIRA’s effective date renders the person ineligible for cancellation of removal. See Zivkovic, 724 F.3d at 906-07.

The absence of similar language in the definition of an “offense” for purposes of the stop-time rule for purposes of cancellation of removal under § 1229b(d)(1) is a powerful argument against retroactivity. See, e.g., St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 318-19 (“Another reason for declining to accept the INS’ invitation to read § 309(c)(1) as dictating the temporal reach of IIRIRA § 304(b) is provided by Congress’ willingness, in other sections of IIRIRA, to indicate unambiguously its intention to apply specific provisions retroactively.”).

To avoid that conclusion, the government directs us to a different provision: the transition rule from IIRIRA § 309(c)(5). As enacted in IIRIRA, it stated:


Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 240A(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (relating to continuous residence or physical presence) shall apply to notices to appear issued before, on, or after the date of the enactment of this Act.

IIRIRA, Pub. L. No. 104-208, § 309(c)(5), 110 Stat. 3009, 3009-627 (1996). This reference to “notices to appear” was a mistake. Notices to appear were first created by IIRIRA, so there were no notices to appear issued before IIRIRA took effect. The pre-IIRIRA equivalents were called orders to show cause. Once the problem was recognized, the transitional rule was amended to apply to “orders to show cause … issued before, on, or after the date of the enactment of this Act.” Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA), Pub. L. No. 105-100, § 203(a), 111 Stat. 2160, 2196 (1997). In the following discussion, we refer below to “notices to appear” and “orders to show cause” inter-changeably as “immigration documents.”

The government correctly notes that the temporal language of the transitional rule is clear: “before, on, or after” unmistakably indicates retroactivity. But that does not settle the matter because the question is the scope of the transitional rule’s retroactivity. The rule itself says that INA § 240A(d) paragraph (1) (the stop-time rule) and paragraph (2) (the “90/180 rule”)4 “shall apply to orders to show cause.” NACARA § 203(a). The issuance of an immigration document, however, is only one of three different events that cut off the accrual of time for purposes of cancellation of removal. In fact, there are three distinct triggering events that stop the accrual of an alien’s continuous presence: (1) issuance of immigration documents (Paragraph (1), subpart (A)); (2) commission of certain offenses (Paragraph (1), subpart (B)); and (3) violation of the 90/180 rule (Paragraph (2)). Thus, the issue is whether the transitional rule of IIRIRA § 309(c)(5), as amended by NACARA § 203(a), gives retroactive effect to all three triggering events.


4 See 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(d)(2) (“An alien shall be considered to have failed to maintain continuous physical presence in the United States under subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section if the alien has departed from the United States for any period in excess of 90 days or for any periods in the aggregate exceeding 180 days.”).

There is no question about the first triggering event. Under the plain text of the transitional rule, the stop-time rule applies retroactively to the issuance of immigration documents. See IIRIRA § 309(c)(5) (“shall apply to notices to appear”); NACARA § 203(a) (“shall apply to orders to show cause”). So the question becomes whether the transitional rule gives retroactive effect to the other two triggering events, particularly the commission of a covered offense.

Some courts have held that the transitional rule gives retroactive effect to all three triggering events. The First Circuit’s approach in Peralta v. Gonzales, 441 F.3d 23 (1st Cir. 2006), is illustrative. [*15] Relying on the cross-references to Paragraphs (1) and (2) of INA § 240A(d), the Peralta court reasoned that because the transitional rule refers to both Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2), and because Paragraph (2) does not mention the issuance of immigration documents, the provision must be interpreted to give retroactive effect not just to the issuance of immigration documents but also to the 90/180 rule and the commission of certain offenses. See id. at 31. If it did not, the cross-reference to Paragraph (2) would be mere surplusage, since Paragraph (2) does not mention immigration documents. Peralta therefore equated issuance of the immigration documents with any proceeding initiated by an immigration document. As the court put it, “the phrases ‘notices to appear’ and ‘orders to show cause’ function … as a shorthand for ‘cases'” initiated by those documents. Id. It then concluded that the stop-time rule and the 90/180 rule “are fully applicable, regardless of when an alien’s proceedings commenced.” Id. The Fifth Circuit followed this approach, concluding that reading the transitional rule as applying only to the first triggering event (the issuance of immigration documents) would “render[] the reference to paragraph (2) … meaningless.” Heaven v. Gonzales, 473 F.3d 167, 176 (5th Cir. 2006), citing Peralta, 441 F.3d at 31.5


5 The Heaven court noted that Peralta was potentially distinguishable on the ground that Peralta was a case brought directly under the transitional rules. The Heaven court concluded, however, that this distinction did not make a difference. See 473 F.3d at 176 (“The First Circuit dismissed such an argument in Peralta, which is a case brought under the transitional rules of the IIRIRA but is nonetheless correct in its analysis of this issue.”).

There is a problem with this interpretation, however. Neither version of the transitional rule actually says this. The operative clause of the original transitional rule stated: “Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 240A(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (relating to continuous residence or physical presence) shall apply to notices to appear issued before, on, or after the date of the enactment of this Act.” IIRIRA § 309(c)(5). And the amended transitional rule merely substituted “orders to show cause” for “notices to appear,” without making any substantive change. See NACARA § 203(a). Neither version mentions “cases” or “the proceedings initiated by” the immigration documents.

Recognizing this ambiguity, the Second and Ninth Circuits have held that the transitional rule simply does not provide the requisite clarity from which to infer that the permanent stop-time rule of 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(d)(1)(B) should be applied retroactively. See Martinez v. INS, 523 F.3d 365, 371 (2d Cir. 2008) (“Assuming that it would be ‘incongruous’ for the stop-time rule to apply retroactively in transitional cases but not permanent-rule cases, that fact does not give us license to artificially stretch the transitional rules to cover this case.”); Sinotes-Cruz v. Gonzales, 468 F.3d 1190, 1200 (9th Cir. 2006) (“[W]e conclude that the transitional rule does not clearly indicate that it is to be applied retroactively to part B of § 1229b(d)(1) in all circumstances.”).

At any rate, these arguments for interpreting an imprecise statute do not reach the heart of the retroactivity inquiry. Courts must avoid retroactive application “‘unless compelled to do so by language so clear and positive as to leave no room to doubt that such was the intention of the legislature.'” Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 272, quoting Chew Heong v. United States, 112 U.S. 536, 559 (1884). The government’s argument based on the awkward transitional rule is at best the legal equivalent of a double bank-shot. It fails to show that Congress came to grips with the potential unfairness of retroactive application of the permanent stop-time rule to deny eligibility for discretionary relief. That is the political-process foundation of the presumption against retroactivity set forth in Landgraf and St. Cyr. That presumption simply cannot be overcome by such an indirect argument.

By its terms, the transitional rule of IIRIRA § 309(c)(5), as amended by NACARA § 203(a), applies only to the issuance of immigration documents. It indicates that Congress considered the potential unfairness of stopping time retroactively for the issuance of immigration documents, a conclusion that is reflected in the legislative history showing that Congress wanted to prevent aliens from satisfying the continuous residence rule by stalling in their pending immigration proceedings. See Angel-Ramos v. Reno, 227 F.3d 942, 947 (7th Cir. 2000) (noting that Congress intended to codify the majority decision in In re N-J-B-, 21 I. & N. Dec. 812, 820 (BIA 1997)); accord, In re N-J-B-, 21 I. & N. Dec. at 820 (“[T]he immigration reforms in question were motivated by a desire to remove the incentive for aliens to prolong their cases by ending the accrual of time in residence for suspension of deportation when deportation proceedings were commenced[.]”), vacated by Att’y Gen. Order No. 2093-97 (July 10, 1997). There is no similar indication that Congress considered the additional unfairness of retroactive application to the commission of certain offenses and travel that violates the 90/180 rule. And the concern identified in the legislative history—stalling during pending immigration proceedings—does not apply in the context of a criminal offense or travel, since these events do not automatically trigger immigration proceedings.

The event that potentially stopped Jeudy’s continuous presence clock in 1995 was an offense, not the issuance of immigration documents. The transitional rule does not mention offenses. Against the backdrop of the presumption against retroactivity, a cross-reference in the ambiguous transitional rule does not meet the high standard of “unmistakable clarity” required to authorize retroactivity. See St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 318. We therefore adhere to a reading authorizing retroactivity only to orders to show cause, a result consistent with our decision in Angel-Ramos, the text of the transitional rule, and the presumption against retroactivity.

B. Step Two Under Landgraf

We now turn to step two of the Landgraf analysis: whether, in the absence of clear language authorizing retroactivity, application of the stop-time rule to Jeudy’s 1995 drug conviction would have an impermissible retroactive effect. We hold that it would.

Jeudy’s drug offense and conviction did not disqualify him from discretionary relief when they occurred, and Jeudy was actually eligible for discretionary relief before IIRIRA took effect. As a result, applying the stop-time rule would attach a new and serious consequence to Jeudy’s criminal conduct that was completed before IIRIRA took effect. See Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 269-70. Jeudy need not show that he actually relied on the future availability of discretionary relief when committing the offense because detrimental reliance is not required. See Vartelas v. Holder, 132 S. Ct. 1479, 1491 (2012); Zivkovic, 724 F.3d at 902-03 (“Where a finding of retroactivity would saddle the petitioner with new consequences from an old conviction, the affected person need not also demonstrate that he relied on the absence of those new consequences.”).

The government, following the reasoning of the BIA, argues that the stop-time rule has no impermissible retroactive effect in this case because Jeudy seeks cancellation of removal, which was “created” by IIRIRA just as the stop-time rule was. The government reasons that any rule affecting cancellation of removal therefore cannot affect legal rights predating IIRIRA. See In re Robles-Urrea, 24 I. & N. Dec. 22, 27 (BIA 2006) (“Section 240A [providing for cancellation of removal] was not in existence … at the time the respondent committed his offense … . It is therefore difficult to understand how he might have relied on the future availability of such relief as undergirding a retroactivity claim.”).

This argument is not persuasive. Cancellation of removal is merely a new name for essentially unchanged discretionary relief from immigration sanctions. That relief has been a fixture of immigration law in different forms since 1917. See St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 293-96. And while cancellation of removal itself is “discretionary and prospective in nature,” In re Perez, 22 I. & N. Dec. 689, 691 (BIA 1999) (en banc), the issue here is eligibility to request the relief at all. “[A] determination about a break in physical presence is a ‘non-discretionary question of statutory interpretation.'” Cuellar Lopez v. Gonzales, 427 F.3d 492, 495 (7th Cir. 2005), quoting Morales-Morales v. Ashcroft, 384 F.3d 418, 423 (7th Cir. 2004). The change in statutory terms does not avoid the unfairness of retroactive application of the stop-time rule to Jeudy’s eligibility for discretionary relief, which he had acquired before IIRIRA and its stop-time rule took effect. See Sinotes-Cruz, 468 F.3d at 1202-03; Henry v. Ashcroft, 175 F. Supp. 2d 688, 695-96 (S.D.N.Y. 2001).

Some other courts have decided this question against petitioners situated similarly to Jeudy. See Martinez v. INS, 523 F.3d 365, 376 (2d Cir. 2008); see also Valencia-Alvarez v. Gonzales, 469 F.3d 1319, 1327-28 (9th Cir. 2006) (petitioner, unlike Jeudy or Sinotes-Cruz, did not reach seven-year mark before IIRIRA took effect). Those decisions required a showing of subjective reliance, which is particularly challenging when the decisive event for the stop-time rule is the commission of a crime rather than a quid pro quo plea bargain. See Martinez, 523 F.3d at 376; but see Gallegos-Vasquez v. Holder, 636 F.3d 1181, 1189 (9th Cir. 2011) (pre-Vartelas case finding impermissible retroactive effect where alien had a “settled expectation” that he could later request discretionary relief). Indeed, we noted years ago: “It would border on the absurd to argue that these aliens might have decided not to commit drug crimes, or might have resisted conviction more vigorously, had they known that if they were not only imprisoned but also, when their prison term ended, ordered deported, they could not ask for a discretionary waiver of deportation.” LaGuerre v. Reno, 164 F.3d 1035, 1041 (7th Cir. 1998).

The Supreme Court settled this question in Vartelas, however, by making clear that the presumption against retroactivity is supported by Congress’s expectations, not the subjective expectations of the petitioner. 132 S. Ct. at 1491 (“The operative presumption, after all, is that Congress intends its laws to govern prospectively only.”). We therefore conclude, consistent with the Second Circuit’s reasoning in United States v. Gill, that the stop-time rule would attach a new disability to Jeudy’s past conduct, rendering its application impermissibly retroactive. See 748 F.3d 491, 501-02 (2d Cir. 2014) (finding impermissible retroactivity in applying the aggravated felony bar to discretionary relief under old § 1182(c) for a pre-IIRIRA conviction although alien could not show subjective reliance).

Applying § 1229b(d)(1)(B) in this case would impose a new disability on pre-IIRIRA conduct without a clear statement from Congress indicating its intent to impose that disability. We therefore hold that Jeudy’s 1995 drug conviction did not “stop time” for his continuous residence in the United States. His period of continuous residence for purposes of discretionary relief began with his admission as a lawful permanent resident in 1989, and he accrued the required seven years in 1996, before IIRIRA’s stop-time rule took effect. He is eligible to request cancellation of removal under § 1229b(a).

We need not reach Jeudy’s second argument, raised for the first time with his petition for judicial review, that he began a new period of continuous presence after illegally voting in 2000, allowing him to accrue another period of seven years as of 2007. Compare Briseno-Flores v. Attorney General, 492 F.3d 226, 231 (3d Cir. 2007) (BIA’s interpretation barring new period of continuous presence is reasonable and entitled to Chevron deference), with Okeke v. Gonzales, 407 F.3d 585, 593-94 (3d Cir. 2005) (Ambro, J., concurring) (statutory phrase “any period” implies there can be more than one period; BIA’s contrary interpretation does not deserve Chevron deference).

Accordingly, Jeudy is eligible to request cancellation of removal. The petition for review is GRANTED and the case is REMANDED for further administrative proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Cancellation of Removal, retroactivity, stop-time | Leave a comment

Immigration Court Backlog Nears 400,000

The number of cases awaiting resolution in the Immigration Courts had grown to 396,552 by the end of July 2014. This backlog increased by nearly 75,000 cases, or 22 percent, since the start of fiscal year 2013, according to very timely government enforcement data obtained by the Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University.

The California Immigration Courts continued to have the greatest backlog with 81,022 cases. Second was Texas, where the backlog of 69,625 cases rose 74 percent since the start of FY 2013. The third largest backlog was in New York where 57,204 cases were awaiting resolution.

The longest waiting times were found at the Imperial, California hearing location, where a backlog of 1,208 cases were waiting an average of 857 days to be resolved as of July 31. The next highest wait times were found at the Omaha, Nebraska hearing location, where 4,992 cases have been waiting an average of 840 days. The average wait time for the 77 juvenile cases at Omaha was only 10 days, however.

The 10,984 cases at the Phoenix, Arizona hearing location had the third longest waiting time, an average of 805 days as of July 31. The 200 juvenile cases there had an average waiting time of only 66 days.

Note that not all court locations have separately reported waiting times for juvenile cases. TRAC has requested more comprehensive court data on scheduling and waiting times for juvenile cases, and will report these details once the additional information is received.

To view annual backlog trends as well as the ten states with the largest backlog as of the end of July 2014, see the latest TRAC snapshot report at:

For more details by location and by nationality, including average wait times, use TRAC’s immigration backlog tool at:

TRAC is self-supporting and depends on foundation grants, individual contributions and subscription fees for the funding needed to obtain, analyze and publish the data we collect on the activities of the US Federal government. To help support TRAC’s ongoing efforts, go to:

Posted in Immigration Court, Immigration Court Backlog, TRAC, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse | Leave a comment

Visa Bulletin For September 2014

Visa Bulletin For September 2014

Number 72
Volume IX
Washington, D.C

View as Printer Friendly PDF


1.  This bulletin summarizes the availability of immigrant numbers during September. Consular officers are required to report to the Department of State documentarily qualified applicants for numerically limited visas; U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security reports applicants for adjustment of status.  Allocations were made, to the extent possible, in chronological order of reported priority dates, for demand received by August 12th.  If not all demand could be satisfied, the category or foreign state in which demand was excessive was deemed oversubscribed.  The cut-off date for an oversubscribed category is the priority date of the first applicant who could not be reached within the numerical limits.  Only applicants who have a priority date earlier than the cut-off date may be allotted a number.  If it becomes necessary during the monthly allocation process to retrogress a cut-off date, supplemental requests for numbers will be honored only if the priority date falls within the new cut-off date announced in this bulletin. If at any time an annual limit is reached, it would be necessary to immediately make the preference category "unavailable", and no further requests for numbers will be honored.

2.  The fiscal year 2014 limit for family-sponsored preference immigrants determined in accordance with Section 201 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) is 226,000. The fiscal year 2014 limit for employment-based preference immigrants calculated under INA 201 is 150,241. Section 202 prescribes that the per-country limit for preference immigrants is set at 7% of the total annual family-sponsored and employment-based preference limits, i.e., 26,337 for FY-2014. The dependent area limit is set at 2%, or 7,525.

3.  INA Section 203(e) provides that family-sponsored and employment-based preference visas be issued to eligible immigrants in the order in which a petition in behalf of each has been filed.  Section 203(d) provides that spouses and children of preference immigrants are entitled to the same status, and the same order of consideration, if accompanying or following to join the principal.  The visa prorating provisions of Section 202(e) apply to allocations for a foreign state or dependent area when visa demand exceeds the per-country limit.  These provisions apply at present to the following oversubscribed chargeability areas:  CHINA-mainland born, INDIA, MEXICO, and PHILIPPINES.

4.  Section 203(a) of the INA prescribes preference classes for allotment of Family-sponsored immigrant visas as follows:   


First: (F1) Unmarried Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens:  23,400 plus any numbers not required for fourth preference.

Second: Spouses and Children, and Unmarried Sons and Daughters of Permanent Residents:  114,200, plus the number (if any) by which the worldwide family preference level exceeds 226,000, plus any unused first preference numbers:

A. (F2A) Spouses and Children of Permanent Residents:  77% of the overall second preference limitation, of which 75% are exempt from the per-country limit;

B. (F2B) Unmarried Sons and Daughters (21 years of age or older) of Permanent Residents:  23% of the overall second preference limitation.

Third: (F3) Married Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens:  23,400, plus any numbers not required by first and second preferences.

Fourth: (F4) Brothers and Sisters of Adult U.S. Citizens:  65,000, plus any numbers not required by first three preferences.

On the chart below, the listing of a date for any class indicates that the class is oversubscribed (see paragraph 1); "C" means current, i.e., numbers are available for all qualified applicants; and "U" means unavailable, i.e., no numbers are available. (NOTE:  Numbers are available only for applicants whose priority date is earlier than the cut-off date listed below.) 

Family-Sponsored All Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed CHINA-mainland born INDIA MEXICO PHILIPPINES
F1 01MAY07 01MAY07  01MAY07 01JUN94 01AUG04
F2A 01JAN13 01JAN13 01JAN13 22APR12 01JAN13
F2B 01SEP07 01SEP07 01SEP07 15MAY94  01DEC03
F3 15NOV03 15NOV03 15NOV03 15OCT93 22MAY93
F4 01JAN02 01JAN02 01JAN02 22JAN97 15MAR91

*NOTE:  For September, F2A numbers EXEMPT from per-country limit are available to applicants from all countries with priority dates earlier than 22APR12.  F2A numbers SUBJECT to per-country limit are available to applicants chargeable to all countries EXCEPT MEXICO with priority dates beginning 22APR12 and earlier than 01JAN13.  (All F2A numbers provided for MEXICO are exempt from the per-country limit; there are no F2A numbers for MEXICO subject to per-country limit.) 

5.  Section 203(b) of the INA prescribes preference classes for allotment of Employment-based immigrant visas as follows: 


First:  Priority Workers:  28.6% of the worldwide employment-based preference level, plus any numbers not required for fourth and fifth preferences.

Second:  Members of the Professions Holding Advanced Degrees or Persons of Exceptional Ability:  28.6% of the worldwide employment-based preference level, plus any numbers not required by first preference.      

Third:  Skilled Workers, Professionals, and Other Workers:  28.6% of the worldwide level, plus any numbers not required by first and second preferences, not more than 10,000 of which to "*Other Workers".

Fourth:  Certain Special Immigrants:  7.1% of the worldwide level.

Fifth:  Employment Creation:  7.1% of the worldwide level, not less than 3,000 of which reserved for investors in a targeted rural or high-unemployment area, and 3,000 set aside for investors in regional centers by Sec. 610 of Pub. L. 102-395.

On the chart below, the listing of a date for any class indicates that the class is oversubscribed (see paragraph 1); "C" means current, i.e., numbers are available for all qualified applicants; and "U" means unavailable, i.e., no numbers are available.  (NOTE:  Numbers are available only for applicants whose priority date is earlier than the cut-off date listed below.) 

Employment- Based

All Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed

1st C C C C C
2nd C 08OCT09 01MAY09 C C
3rd 01APR11 01NOV08 08NOV03 01APR11 01APR11
Other Workers 01APR11 22JUL05 08NOV03 01APR11 01APR11
4th C C C C C
Certain Religious Workers C C C C C

Regional Centers
and Pilot Programs


*Employment Third Preference Other Workers Category:  Section 203(e) of the Nicaraguan and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) passed by Congress in November 1997, as amended by Section 1(e) of Pub. L. 105-139, provides that once the Employment Third Preference Other Worker (EW) cut-off date has reached the priority date of the latest EW petition approved prior to November 19, 1997, the 10,000 EW numbers available for a fiscal year are to be reduced by up to 5,000 annually beginning in the following fiscal year.  This reduction is to be made for as long as necessary to offset adjustments under the NACARA program.  Since the EW cut-off date reached November 19, 1997 during Fiscal Year 2001, the reduction in the EW annual limit to 5,000 began in Fiscal Year 2002.

6.  The Department of State has a recorded message with visa availability information which can be heard at:  (202) 485-7699.  This recording is updated on or about the tenth of each month with information on cut-off dates for the following month.


Section 203(c) of the INA provides up to 55,000 immigrant visas each fiscal year to permit additional immigration opportunities for persons from countries with low admissions during the previous five years. The NACARA stipulates that beginning with DV-99, and for as long as necessary, up to 5,000 of the 55,000 annually-allocated diversity visas will be made available for use under the NACARA program. This resulted in reduction of the DV-2014 annual limit to 50,000. DV visas are divided among six geographic regions.  No one country can receive more than seven percent of the available diversity visas in any one year.

For September, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2014 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 81,100 Except:
Egypt:    32,250
ASIA 13,350

Nepal:      9,500

EUROPE 40,150

Entitlement to immigrant status in the DV category lasts only through the end of the fiscal (visa) year for which the applicant is selected in the lottery.  The year of entitlement for all applicants registered for the DV-2014 program ends as of September 30, 2014.  DV visas may not be issued to DV-2014 applicants after that date.  Similarly, spouses and children accompanying or following to join DV-2014 principals are only entitled to derivative DV status until September 30, 2014.  DV visa availability through the very end of
FY-2014 cannot be taken for granted.  Numbers could be exhausted prior to September 30.


For October, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2015 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 8,000 Except:
Egypt:      6,000
Ethiopia:   7,000
ASIA 2,500
EUROPE 8,500


INDIA Employment-based Second Preference: The use of potentially "otherwise unused" Employment numbers prescribed by Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) has allowed the India Employment Second preference cut-off date to advance very rapidly in recent months. Continued forward movement of this cut-off date during the upcoming months cannot be guaranteed, however, and no assumptions should be made until the dates are formally announced. Once there is a significant increase in India Employment Second preference demand it will be necessary to retrogress the cut-off date, possibly as early as November, to hold number use within the fiscal year 2015 annual limit. 


The State Department is required to make a determination of the worldwide numerical limitations, as outlined in Section 201(c) and (d) of the INA, on an annual basis. These calculations are based in part on data provided by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regarding the number of immediate relative adjustments in the preceding year and the number of aliens paroled into the United States under Section 212(d)(5) in the second preceding year. Without this information, it is impossible to make an official determination of the annual limits. To avoid delays in processing while waiting for the USCIS data, the Visa Office (VO) bases allocations on the minimum annual limits outlined in Section 201 of the INA. On July 24th, USCIS provided the required data to VO.

The Department of State has determined the Family and Employment preference numerical limits for FY-2014 in accordance with the terms of Section 201 of the INA. These numerical limitations for FY-2014 are as follows:

            Worldwide Family-Sponsored preference limit:          226,000
            Worldwide Employment-Based preference limit:        150,241

Under INA Section 202(A), the per-country limit is fixed at 7% of the family and employment annual limits. For FY-2014 the per-country limit is 26,337. The dependent area annual limit is 2%, or 7,525.


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The Department of State also has available a recorded message with visa cut-off dates which can be heard at: (202) 485-7699. The recording is normally updated on/about the 10th of each month with information on cut-off dates for the following month.

Readers may submit questions regarding Visa Bulletin related items by E-mail at the following address:


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Department of State Publication 9514
CA/VO:   August 12, 2014

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