Category Archives: Index

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Shielding Illegal Aliens from Detection Prosecution-Bringing in & harboring aliens

In United States v. Ye, 2009 WL 3818340 (7th Cir. 2009), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, affirmed a district court’s conviction under INA § 274(a)(1)(A)(iii) [8 USCA § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii)] (concealing, harboring, or shielding illegal aliens from … Continue reading

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Sources for Closing Argument Stories » Aesop’s Fables as a Winning Trial Advocacy Technique, Stories & Analogies to Persuade Jurors

Aesop’s Fables The Tale of the Sour Grapes, the Tale of the Lioness and the Vixen, the Tale of the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing — these stories will not only educate your jurors, they’ll also entertain them. This Online collection … Continue reading

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Driver’s Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants? Not in Illinois

Driver’s Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants? In Illinois, a social security number is required to apply for a driver’s license, which makes it impossible for illegal immigrants to get one. But it also makes it difficult for some legal aliens to … Continue reading

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“Four score and seven years ago,” 146th anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Thursday, November 19, 1863: “one of the most quoted speeches in United States history, dedicating to the struggle to ensure that ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.’” “Four score and … Continue reading

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