Author Archives: Mike Baker

Continuing Validity of Form I-140 Petition when the alien beneficiary claims eligibility benefits under §106(c) of AC21 due to a change in his or her

08/04/03 Memo from William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQBCIS MEMORANDUM FOR SERVICE CENTER DIRECTORS, BCIS REGIONAL DIRECTORS, CIS Continuing Validity of Form I-140 Petition in accordance with Section 106(c) of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act of … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS), I-485 Employment | Leave a comment

Conviction under Immigration law includes Illinois sentence for “1410 probation” (Gill v. Ashcroft, (7th Cir.) )

Gill v. Ashcroft, (7th Cir.) 2003 WL 21525603. July 8, 2003 Ct. of Appeal lacked jurisdiction to consider appeal of instant removal order under 8 USC §1227(a)(2)(B)(i) based on existence of alien’s prior Illinois state court conviction for possession of … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, Chicago Immigration Court, Deportation, Immigration Judge, Removal, Removal hearing | Leave a comment

Was the Marriage Entered into for Immigration Purposes? Is the marraige “Bona fide” for immigration purposes?

In order to be granted permanent residency, your spouse’s relationship with you must be established and your spouse must be admissible to the United States under the immigration law. Also, the marriage must be bona fide, not merely a sham … Continue reading

Posted in Adjustment of Status, Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS), Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments of 1986, Lawful Permanent Resident, Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence | Leave a comment

Domestic Battery Conviction , Illinois and Removal, Deportation from the United States

Domestic violence and related convictions will cause immigration problems not only for individuals that have a pending application for permanent resident status (green card) with the local CIS office but also for individuals that are already permanent residents or those … Continue reading

Posted in Chicago Immigration Court, Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS), Deportation, Domestic battery, Good Moral Character (GMC), Naturalization N-400 applicant, Removal | Leave a comment

Misdemeanor Domestic Battery not a Crime of Violence, Flores v. Ashcroft, Seventh Circuit, November 2003

In Flores v. Ashcroft the Seventh Circuit held that a respondentconvicted under the Indiana Battery statute was not deportable for acrime involving domestic violence because there was not a substantialrisk that the offense involved the use of force. November 26, … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, Chicago Immigration Court, Deportation, Domestic battery, Good Moral Character (GMC), Immigration Judge, Naturalization N-400 applicant, Removal | Leave a comment