Author Archives: Mike Baker

Deportation for Drug Crimes

The Supreme Court ruled, by an 8-1 vote, that conviction of a drug crime that is a felony under state law but only a misdemeanor under federal law is not kind the kind of offense that triggers potential deporation. Justice … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Aggravated felony, BIA, Board of Immigration Appeals, Chicago Immigration Court, Deportation, Deportation for Drug Crimes, Immigration Judge | Leave a comment

Repatriation of Vietnam Citizens

From: Koroma, Kadia H [] Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:57 AM To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: ICE Assistant Secretary Myers signs historical MOU with Vietnam Importance: High January 22, 2008 Contact: Public Affairs (202) 514-2648 News Release ICE Assistant Secretary Myers … Continue reading

Posted in Asylum, Chicago District Office, Chicago Immigration Court, Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS), Deportation | Leave a comment


PROCEDURES IN ILLINOIS TRAFFIC CASES, QUASI-CRIMINAL CASES AND CERTAIN MISDEMEANORS 11.2 Alcohol and Drug Evaluations in Driving Under the Influence cases (DUI) and Other Serious Traffic Offenses (a) An alcohol and drug evaluation and recidivist background check shall be made … Continue reading

Posted in driving privileges, DUI criminal charge in Illinois, Illinois, Illinois DUI lawyer, Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) | 3 Comments

DUI Defense Illinois Legal challenges to evidence

1. ILLEGAL STOP OF PERSON OR VEHICLE – a driver cannot be stopped unless the officer has a reasonable and articulate basis to believe that a traffic law or other law has been violated. Similarly, a person cannot be seized … Continue reading

Posted in breath testers for first-offense DUIs, Chicago-dui lawyer, DUI criminal charge in Illinois, Illinois DUI lawyer, Reinstatement, Restoration of driver's license | Leave a comment

Chicago Immigration Judge Reports — Asylum grants and denials, fiscal year 2000 through the early months of 2005

Chicago Immigration Judge Reports — Asylum Grants and Denials The data and analyses is from The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a data gathering, data research and data distribution organization associated with Syracuse University. Comprehensive, independent and nonpartisan information about … Continue reading

Posted in Asylum, Chicago Immigration Court, Deportation, Immigration Judge, Removal hearing | Leave a comment