Author Archives: Mike Baker

Immigrant Bill Is Back on Table –

Immigrant Bill Is Back on Table –

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Criminal facilitation is not an “aggravated felony” as illicit trafficking

In an unpublished decision, the BIA held that a conviction for criminal facilitation in New York does not constitute an illicit trafficking type of aggravated felony. Taylor, A xx-xxx-801, slip op. (BIA Nov. 5, 2009)

Posted in Aggravated felony, BIA, Board of Immigration Appeals, Deportation for Drug Crimes | Leave a comment

What Immigration Reform Could Do for America

“Out With the Old, In With the New: What Reforming Immigration Could Do For America.” Check this video out. The Immigration Policy Center of the American Immigration Council presents:

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Haxhiu v. Mukasey, Asylum applicant anticorruption activities a form of political speech, whistleblower must expose corruption publicly 519 F.3d 685

Haxhiu v. Mukasey (7th Cir. 2008)(Flaum) Oral Argument | Full Text Whether asylum applicant’s anticorruption activities constituted an expression of a political opinion? To receive asylum protection on account of a political opinion, a whistleblower must have sought a political … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Asylum, whistleblower | Leave a comment

Matter of MARTINEZ ESPINOZA, 25 I&N Dec. 118 (BIA 2009) conviction for possession or use of drug paraphernalia

(1) An alien may be rendered inadmissible under section 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) (2006), on the basis of a conviction for possession or use of drug paraphernalia. (2) An alien who is inadmissible … Continue reading

Posted in BIA, Board of Immigration Appeals | Leave a comment