Author Archives: Mike Baker

Motion to Reopen After Departure from U.S./Sua Sponte Authority to Consider Belated Motions

CA7 affirmed denial of motion to reopen by departed alien, finding that petitioner’s motion was unquestionably time-barred where petitioner offered no basis to excuse a six-plus year delay in moving to reopen. (Munoz de Real v. Holder, 2/11/10). A petition … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Motion to Reopen | Leave a comment

EOIR Releases 2009 Statistical Year Book

The Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) has recently released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Statistical Year Book, summarizing the work of the EOIR for the past five years. The 129-page report was prepared by the … Continue reading

Posted in Asylum, EOIR, EOIR Statistical Year Book | Leave a comment

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Gonzalez-Balderas v. Holder (7th Circuit March 5, 2010)

On Petition to Review an Order of the BIA, the Seventh Circuit affirmed a denial of a Mexican National’s request to reapply for admission retroactive to the date of her second reentry. The petitioner initially entered the U.S. illegally by … Continue reading

Posted in Adjustment of Status, Reinstatement, Removal, Removal hearing | Leave a comment

Policy of prosecuting illegal aliens with no substantial criminal records is “a huge waste of resources”

Pushback over border bustsTexas judge tells prosecutors to keep illegal entry cases out of court. by Marcia Coyle: March 1, 2010 After warning federal prosecutors for two years, Judge Sam Sparks was fed up with the parade of nonviolent … Continue reading

Posted in illegal re-entry, prosecuting illegal aliens | Leave a comment