Author Archives: Mike Baker

Establishing good cause for a continuance of proceedings-7th Cir. 2010

Juarez v. Holder, No. 08-1788: Denial of Motion to Reopen/Noncompliance with Biometrics Requirements Juarez v. Holder (Sykes) Oral Argument | Full Text Petition for review BIA’s decision that petitioners’ untimely applications and failure to provide the required biometrics meant they had … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Motion to Reopen | Leave a comment

Health-Care Reform Act Implications for Alien

The new health-care reform act, Pub. L. No. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119 (Mar. 23, 201), the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, has numerous implications for non-U.S. citizens.Section 1312(f)(3) of the Act states:(3) ACCESS LIMITED TO LAWFUL RESIDENTS.–If an individual … Continue reading

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2008 American Community Survey and Census Data on the Foreign Born by State

 While the immigrant population of the United States increased by 6.9 million between 2000 and 2008, the impact of this growth varied considerably from state to state in terms of population size and characteristics. To facilitate analysis of these differences, … Continue reading

Posted in 2008 Census Data, international migration data | Leave a comment

A postconviction sentence modification may be effective in avoiding a conviction for immigration purposes or to eliminate an aggravated-felony ground of deportability.

Where a criminal court vacated the 1-year prison sentence of an alien convicted of a theft offense and revised the sentence to 360 days of imprisonment, the alien does not have a conviction for an aggravated felony within the meaning … Continue reading

Posted in BIA, Board of Immigration Appeals, postconviction sentence modification, sentence reduction | Leave a comment

Chicago Appleseed Fund For Justice- Immigration Court Reform

To the editor: A Policy Statement from Chicago Appleseed Last year, Appleseed and the Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice released a comprehensive report, “Assembly Line Injustice,” outlining findings that American immigration courts regularly fall beneath basic standards of justice. The … Continue reading

Posted in Chicago Immigration Court, Immigration Court Reform | Leave a comment