Author Archives: Mike Baker

Asylum, China’s one-child policy and membership in social group-7th Cir. 2010 Chen v. Holder, No. 08-2836

A Chinese national and citizen’s petition for review of the BIA’s affirmance of Immigration Judge’s denial of his application for asylum and related relief, claiming that he has been or will be persecuted because of his family’s resistance to China’s … Continue reading

Posted in Asylum, China one-child policy | Leave a comment

Adjustment of Status to LPR Constitutes Admission for Purposes of Continuous Residence Requirement of INA § 212(h) Matter of KOLJENOVIC

An alien who entered the U.S. without inspection and later obtained lawful permanent resident (LPR) status through adjustment of status has “previously been admitted to the U.S. as an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence” and must therefore satisfy the … Continue reading

Posted in 212(h), Adjustment of Status | Leave a comment

ACLU of Arizona Section By Section Analysis of SB 1070 “Immigration; Law Enforcement; Safe Neighborhoods

Summary of major provisions: This bill unconstitutionally allows the state of Arizona to regulate immigration by establishing a separate state offense for any person to violate provisions of the federal immigration law regarding registration and carrying registration documents. It gives … Continue reading

Posted in Law Enforcement | Leave a comment

Cancellation of Removal/Battered-Spouse Provision-7th Cir. 2010

Benaouicha v. Holder (Hamilton) Oral Argument | Full Text Bd. did not err in affirming IJ’s order denying alien’s request for cancellation of removal based on alien’s allegation that he was battered spouse as contemplated under 8 USC section 1229b(b)(2)(A). … Continue reading

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USCIS Reminds Haitians to Register for TPS by July 20, 2010

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has issued a reminder to Haitian nationals who are eligible for temporary protected status (TPS) to file a registration application for TPS by July 20, 2010. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet … Continue reading

Posted in Haitian Orphan, temporary protected status, TPS | Leave a comment