Author Archives: Mike Baker

CSPA Formulas for Calculating Age

Formulas for Calculating Age F1:the unmarried, adult (21 or over) sons and daughters of U.S. citizens; F2A:the spouses and unmarried, minor (under 21) children of LPRs; F2B:the unmarried, adult (21 or over) sons and daughters of LPRs; F3: the married … Continue reading

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SCOTUS defers to BIA on aged-out beneficiaries-Scialabba v. Cuellar de Osorio

The automatic conversion and priority date retention provision only applies to derivative beneficiaries of F2A petitions. The automatic conversion and priority date retention provision does not benefit F3 and F4 derivative beneficiaries of family based preference petitions. An alien needs … Continue reading

Posted in Aged-Out Derivative Beneficiary, Aging Out Provisions, Child Status Protection Act, CSPA, derivative beneficiary, Preference Categories, Retain a Priority Date for an Aged-Out Derivative Beneficiary, U.S. Supreme Court | Leave a comment

DACA Renewals

Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process Update for DACA Renewals June 8, 2014 Because USCIS anticipates adjudicating renewal requests within 120 days, it recommends DACA recipients file for renewal approximately 120 days before the expiration date of their … Continue reading

Posted in DACA, Deferred Action Eligibility Screening Tool, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Deferred Action Process for Young People Who Are Low Enforcement, Deferred Action Process for Young People Who Are Low Enforcement Priorities, Deferred Action Status, Update for DACA Renewals | Tagged | Leave a comment

CA7 denies collateral attack of removal order in criminal proceedings for failure to exhaust administrative remedies

United States v. Alegria-Saldana, 2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 7263: The Seventh Circuit affirmed the district court’s denial of Alegria-Saldana’s motion to dismiss his indictment for illegal reentry after removal. Alegria-Saldana alleged that his due process rights were violated in his … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, collateral attack of removal order in criminal proceedings | Leave a comment

USCIS Issues New Policy on Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record

Starting June 1, 2014, USCIS will limit the validity period for all Forms I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, to one year from the date of submission to USCIS. Applicants must also submit Form I-693 to USCIS within … Continue reading

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