Author Archives: Mike Baker

CA7 affirmed denial of asylum and withholding for Mexican national

In 1991, Lopez, age 12, illegally entered the U.S. He has not returned to Mexico, although his sister still lives in the neighborhood where he grew up. In 2009, Lopez was charged with dealing and possessing illegal drugs. He pled … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Asylum, withholding of removal | Leave a comment

CA7 remands Nicaraguan withholding of removal

Bd. did not err in denying alien’s asylum application, where said application was untimely, and where alien could only raise question of fact on appeal. However, remand was required with respect to alien’s claim for withholding of removal in which … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Asylum, withholding of removal | Leave a comment

CA7 upholds denial of cancellation of removal as continuous residency stopped at conviction

Isunza came to the U.S. from Mexico at age 17 in 1978. His parents were lawfully present in the U.S., but Isunza became a permanent resident through the sponsorship of his wife in 1994. In 1998, he was found guilty … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, Cancellation of Removal, Cancellation Of Removal and The Stop-Time Rule | Leave a comment

CA7 upholds IJ denial of Chinese claim for asylum, withholding of removal, CAT relief

Chen was born in China, in 1976. In 2004, Chen married Feng and they had a daughter. In 2005, the Chinese government appropriated Chen’s farmland, to build an industrial park. Chen was allowed to keep his house and received compensation, … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Circuit, 7th Circuit Cases- Aliens, past persecution, People’s Republic of China, political asylum, withholding of removal | Leave a comment

Waivers for Fraud or Willful Misrepresentation

Waivers for Fraud or Willful Misrepresentation – Part G, Volume 9 | Policy Manual | USCIS USCIS Policy Manual Current as of November 10, 2015 Volume 9 – Waivers Part G – Waivers for Fraud or Willful Misrepresentation Chapter 1 … Continue reading

Posted in INA 212(i), Inadmissibility for falsely claiming ​U.S.​ citizenship, Waivers for Fraud or Willful Misrepresentation, Waivers of Inadmissibility | Leave a comment